LSHTM Centre for Health Economics in London (CHiL) Seminars

LSHTM Centre for Health Economics in London (CHiL) Seminars

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Future costs in economic evaluation: theory, methods and implications for economic evaluations in LMIC

Prof Pieter van Baal (Erasmus School of Health Policy and Management)

Wednesday 23rd October, 2019


Weston Room (LG4), Tavistock Place

Livestream available from this link


Medical technologies that prolong life result in additional consumption of both medical and non-medical goods and services in life years gained. In the literature these costs are labelled future costs. In this presentation, I will present a) theory when future costs need to be included in economic evaluations b) to what extent HTA guidelines are informed by theory c) how future costs can be included in practice. Finally, I will discuss the relevance of future costs in the context of economic evaluations in low and middle income countries.

Short Bio:

Professor van Baal is an associate professor of Health Economics at the Erasmus School of Health Policy and Management. His research focuses on the methodology of cost effectiveness analyses, modelling of diseases/population health and the relation thereof with (non)medical consumption. He has extensive experience in economic evaluations of public health interventions, Markov modelling, uncertainty analyses and is the main developer of PAID (Practical Application to Include future Disease costs). Before working at institute for Medical Technology Assessment of Erasmus University, he was employed by the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) where he was project leader of the RIVM Chronic Disease Model.


Giulia Ferrari (


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