Thank you for sharing this interesting article Sujit. I think universal basic income is a promising humane idea and does need further study. This study comes from these people but there is no academic paper that I can find associated with it. I imagine that they are writing one and it will be published in due course.
Thanks also for Colette, Margaret and Fathima for your thoughts which I have found helpful.
1. Randomised controlled non-blinded trial
2. PICO - means patient population, intervention, comparison with controls, outcome
Patient population - people living under the median income in Stockton, California
Intervention supplement of $500 a month for 2 years
Controls no extra money
Outcome - in a scientific paper we would told what the primary and secondary outcomes were. In the Guardian article we are just told about positive findings. These were higher rates of employement, less debt and better emotional health
3. 28% and 32% - the rates of having a full time job at the start of the study. These are very low. Stockton was chosen for this study as it is a very deprived area. I am struggling to find US data on employment rates -but it looks like employment is usually at 90% and 85% of people work full time which would mean that we would normally expect rates of about 77%.
4. tells us that SF-36 a mental health questionnaire was used to rate mental health, but we are not given any numbers to compare the scores on this measure for cases or controls.
5. We do not have the necessary data to answer this question. In any case, we would need more data from other studies and consideration of the Bradford-Hill criteria to begin to suggest causation.
6.The researchers said that the extra $500 per month was enough for people with part-time jobs to take time off so they could interview for full-time jobs that offered better pay. They also said the money could have helped people who weren’t working at all find jobs by allowing them to pay for transportation to interviews