Urban loneliness

Urban loneliness

by | Sujit Rathod -
Number of replies: 0

Hello everyone - thank you for a wonderful start to the academic term. This is the last Epi in the News post for Term 1. I'll continue to post next year, though less frequently.

Enjoy your holiday break! -sujit

From The Guardian

1. What is the outcome? Why is this outcome important for public health?

2. What are the exposures of interest?

3. What do you think about the way the exposures are defined? What's the potential for bias?

4. What is an advantage of collecting data via app, rather than a questionnaire?

5. What is the study design?

But when the researchers took age, ethnicity, education, and occupation into account,

6. What is the epi concept? Explain why occupation is included.

7. What are the hypothesised mediating factors between exposure to natural spaces and loneliness? Do you agree?

the benefits of nature contact and feelings of social inclusion on loneliness remained strongly statistically significant.

7. How would you explain this sentence to a non-epidemiologist?

8. Should we do a randomised trial to confirm these findings?


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