Upcoming lecture Series - 16 days of activism against gender violence

Upcoming lecture Series - 16 days of activism against gender violence

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The Gender Violence and Health Centre, within the School's Social and Mathematical Epidemiology (SaME) group, mark the 16 Days of Activism against Violence against Women campaign 

Organiser: Giulia.Ferrari@lshtm.ac.uk @lshtm_gvhc #16Days #GBV+HIV 

Jealousy and IPV or Sexual exploitation of girls in Tanzania

Dr Ana Maria Buller and Marjorie Pichon 

25th November, 12:45-14:00. Jerry Morris A+B, Tavistock Place, LSHTM 

(access the live link here from 12:30)


*Modern Slavery and Mental Health (change to original session)

Dr Sian Oram

 28th November, 16:00 (reception from 17:00 onward). Robin Murray Seminar room, IoPPN main building, Kings College


Violence, HIV and Sex Work 

Dr Tara Beattie

29th November, 12:45-14:00. Jerry Morris A+B, Tavistock Place, LSHTM 

(access the live link here from 12:30)


For Baby’s Sake: Evaluating a whole-family perinatal intervention to break the cycle of domestic abuse 

Dr Kylee Trevillion and Dr Jill Domoney

3rd December, 12:30-13:30. Anthony Mann Seminar Room, David Goldberg Centre, IoPPN main building, Kings College


Domestic violence and health sector responses: a case study from Palestine

Dr Manuela Colombini and Dr Loraine J Bacchus

5th December, 12:45-14:00. Jerry Morris A+B, Tavistock Place, LSHTM 

(access live link here from 12:30)


What is empowerment?

Dr Mark Marchant

5th December, 12:45-14:00. LG80, Keppel Street, LSHTM 

(access live link here from 12:30)

(Edited by Joanne Pepper - original submission Wednesday, 6 November 2019, 10:19 AM)