I am absolutely thrilled about this, as a paediatric neurologist. However, I think this information should be interepreted with caution.
1) The pooled incidence rate across 75 reporting countries was 2.1 [95% CI: 2.09, 2.12] per 100,000 (Mult Scler. 2020 Dec; 26(14): 1816–1821.) It is not common
2) In England, EBV infects 55% of the population by the age of 12 ( BMC Infect Dis 19, 1007 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12879-019-4578-y) si inferring from this data, EBV infection is very common
3) Longitudinal cohort?
4) It´s quite difficult to perform a case control study on low prevalent disease. However, if we follow a population from the begginig all of those who are exposed can act either as a case (if they meet criteria to be) or a control who was exposed.
5) Not sure about temporality, but rather on the case definition, it only included men, from a controlled setting (Millitary)
6) Yes, but is highly unlikely due to costs and prevalence of the diesease, it usually starts with mild symptoms that are often underrecognized.